Toss Game arcade game
Arcade games are the best choice for an energetic and cheerful family. They diversify the time spent together, encouraging concentration and physical activity. The presented game will introduce a dose of healthy competition into the family game, which will certainly encourage all family members and friends to have fun. Toss Game is all about hitting the target with the pea pouches.
The game set consists of:
- 6 bags with peas,
- a rack with holes and scoring
Assembling the tripod for fun is as simple as the rules of the game. We aim at individual holes marked with a score of 5, 10 and 20 points. Whoever gets the most points wins.
The game is intended for the whole family, from children over 3 to grandparents. The set is marked with the CE certificate, and moreover, its production complies with the EN 71 standard. These symbols guarantee the use of certified materials of the highest quality, as well as the reliability and safety of using the set. The toy can be used both at home and outdoors. The set is packed in a colorful cardboard box with a handle for easy carrying.
Package dimensions:
54 cm x 24.5 cm x 5.5 cm