Black and White Balance Bike
A toddler who is not yet ready to ride a pedal bike will easily start learning on a balance bike, which is a great solution to encourage toddlers to be physically active. You can easily disassemble the pedals. It perfectly combines the features of a toy and a vehicle, allowing for great fun while walking. A slim frame, a comfortable, soft, two-height adjustable seat and rubber grips on the steering wheel for a solid grip ensuring comfort while driving. The bike also includes a wide platform with wheels and foam wheels that do not have an inner tube, so they do not need to be pumped. The great advantage is that they are made of EVA material. They are characterized by high durability and puncture resistance. The frame is made of steel, thanks to which the structure is stable.
The bike can be easily folded, so it takes up less space. It consists of two places near the head and the seat. It fits easily in the trunk, so you can take it on a trip or family trip.
Bike weight 4 kg.
Tricycle dimensions:
Minimum height from the ground to the seat: 28 cm
Maximum height from the ground to the seat: 31 cm
Distance from the steering wheel to the seat: approx. 11 cm
Seat width: 13 cm
Seat length: approx. 21 cm
Guide width: 30.5 cm
Width at the back of the bike (from wheel to wheel): 43 cm
Distance from the seat to the pedals: approx. 25 cm
Large circle diameter: 20 cm
Diameter of the smaller circles: 17 cm
Size of the package:
45 cm x 27 cm 27 cm
Package weight:
4.5 kg